Category: Articles
Ensuring Furry Freedom: Advancements in Electric Fence Collar Technology
We will explore the latest developments in electric fence collar technology and how they contribute to ensuring the furry freedom.
Puppy Growth: What to Expect During Your Puppy’s First Year
Experts have stated that understanding the stages of a puppy’s growth will help the owner have a strong connection with your companion.
What should you know about your Dog before you start training?
If you are serious about your dog, and want the best for her/him, then you owe it to your best friend to get a copy of this Training Course.
Tips for Introducing Two Cats
Adding a new member to your feline family is usually more exciting for you than your current cat. Most cats learn to accept newcomers.
My Dozen Animal Friends
The first gifts I ever gave to my niece six-year-old Amber was an animal book. This was my way of influencing her into animals.
Don’t Feed This to Your Dog
There are many foods that are seemingly harmless to us that can be toxic to your dog. Here is a list that you should remember.
Do You Want A Show Dog Or Cute Companion Shih Tzu?
Shih Tzu belong to people. They do not belong exclusively to the show dog world. Shih Tzu were bred for centuries to be companions.
Your Dog Will Thank You If You Read These Doggie Diet Tips
Your pet’s diet should include some dry food because the crunch will help to keep her teeth clean and it will also help with gum health.
Going Places With Your Dog
Going places with your dog may be a pleasant experience. But you should remember the taking a dog, anywhere could be a bit difficult.